- Seeing my peeves on other folk's list, thus feeling unoriginal or at least scooped.
- The fact that I am not allowed to ram red light scofflaws with my heavier vehicle.
- Lack of breeding approval process in the U.S. For humans.
- The havoc humidity wreaks on my hair.
- Bra sweat.
- Dust.
- The smell of microwaved popcorn in the office.
- Format changes in music. I've been through albums, 8-tracks, cassettes, CDs, VHS, DVDs. I give up.
- The neighbor's yappy little dog. Big dogs are allowed to bark. Little dogs should shut the hell up.
- Shy people blaming their lack of social skills on well, their lack of social skills. Shy people suck.
(photo: therantlounge.wordpress.com)
Wow, have completely enjoyed the plethora of recent guests' punch lists but, jumping-Jesus-in-a-side-car, this is the most dead-on accurate!
I love this list a lot.
Jennifer, you are the best, I tell ya!
By allowing guest writers to vent on the TIWTPITF forum, you performed a very valuable public service to protect the citizenry. Imagine how many sniper shooting incidences were canceled because we, I mean, they blew off steam and vitriol.
You are a good American, Ms.Worick.
I hate the smell of popcorn, but it's even worse in my tiny work's break room.
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