- People who can't handle differing opinions.
- People who only believe in free speech if the speech isn't upsetting to them.
- People who have a very narrow acceptable range of behavior for their friends.
- Control freaks.
- Rush Limbaugh.
- Jenny McCarthy.
- The Pope.
- People who say “nucular.”
- FOX “news.”
- Passive-aggressive people who can't deal with confrontation so they find other ways to punch you and then pretend they haven't done anything.
That's about it.
Oh, as a runner-up: I'm pretty sick of Oprah Winfrey.(photo: bmia.wordpress.com)
I can't believe I left #8 off my list. Hearing it makes my ears bleed.
Nice work listing 'People who can't handle differing opinions', 'Rush Limbaugh' and 'The Pope' on the same list.
i just sat here and re-read ALL of the other-people's-punch-list posts... and yours was one of my favorites in the beginning, and is even moreso now, as i just discovered that i was the only one who submitted one to be called an ass by a commenter who fits into your numbers one, two, and ten. yay for me!
1, 2 and 8 = yes. Couldn't be more right.
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