And for God’s sake, put the girls away. We know you’ve got pipes on you…since you showcase your chest at every opportunity. Side boob, underboob, bouncing-around-like-a-sack-of-puppies cleavage… Get those things under control and out of sight. You could take out an innocent passerby, you could blind a young fan.
Paula created a diversion for a few years with her sartorial junk show but now that she’s gone from Idol, you’d best clean your shit up. Soften up your look, find some jeans with more than a 1-inch rise, look for things that allow you to sit without your bits and pieces sticking to the seat (Was “Touch My Body” an ode to your favorite chair?), and buy a fucking bra. And maybe then, I’ll only deride you for your music.
(Photo: examiner.com)
Love your "rule of thumb" here!
That's just pure trashilicious!
Is that dress legal?! She might as well be walking around topless. What was she thinking?
LOL. So hard to pick a fave quote here, but I'll have to go with your aside about "Touch My Body" :P
She should take a lesson from you here, too. If ever a career needed reviving, it's hers. What better way to court controversy than suddenly dressing? (was going to add something more to that statement but why should I when she won't add more to her own fashion statements?)
Hey! What about getting up a petition to nominate her for "What Not to Wear"? Wouldn't it be a hoot and a half to watch Stacy and Clinton go after that?
yeah, well, she tried to get attention by thinking, and it was so exhausting. this is way more better.
This is hysterical. I use to do her makeup ions ago, so I won't trash her too badly. But, yeah. This dress could use a little more fabric.
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