Dude, so you get to your desk at the ass-crack of dawn. You are the first one to turn off the security alarm. You regularly meet with your trainer at 5:30am. You have special alone time with the boss. Whoopadeedoo! The only thing this means is that you go to bed at 9pm. You climb under the covers before the sun goes down, which is not something to pat yourself on the back about, unless you’re a farmer.
Don't give me stinkeye when I roll in. Don’t even hint that I don’t work hard for the money. I usually toil away until I turn off the lights long after midnight, so eat my alarm clock. We have different schedules, different rhythms that suit us. It doesn’t mean that your day is any longer or more fruitful than mine. It just means that you’re a judgmental fuck who drinks decaf after 2pm.
The best part of waking up is piping hot Folgers in your face.
(photo: nicksflickpicks.com)
Hear hear! Loved the farmer crack. (but not farmer's crack..just to be clear) So true :P Don't forget those haters that pipe up "Oh yeah I got up at 4:30 and spent an hour at the gym!"
And do you also get those people who cluck at you because they note the TIME STAMP on some of your posts on Facebook? As if no civilized human being is up at that hour? I have enough parents, thanks. Or am I the only lucky one? ;)
"...so eat my alarm clock..." - that is the money shot, right there.
Studies show that early birds' productivity drops off sharply later in the day while night owls, while crap in the morning, are more productive overall.
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!
"Eat my alarm clock" was a last-minute, late-night swap for just plain "suck it." So I'm glad you like it.
Great idea for my next invention...the edible alarm clock...hhmmm...
Dude, those early birds don't WANT to wake early, they have insomnia and want take credit for it. No REAL person wants to get out of bed before the sun is up.
Tip for those who work with early birds: If one of these chirpy nitwits calls a meeting for 7:30 AM that you are required to attend, you must call a meeting for 7:30 PM the next day, and require him or her to attend it. Fair's fair.
Yet Another Steve: You're dreamy. Fair IS fair.
As per SkitzoLeezra, I am one of those early bird, and they're right, it's just insommnia on the other end. But I do feel smug about it. But usually not when I'm falling asleep at a dinner party or a show (literally). I aspire to be a night owl. The only real benefit of being an early riser is that the light is so f'ing good.
I will not go to any meeting before 1 p.m. I just play the "I don't have childcare card." I work nights and am working my butt off while they're farting in bed.
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