Probiotics, Prilosec, six GI repair pills a day, visits with a gastroenterologist, and an endoscopy. What’s a girl to do to calm the acid reflux, the rumblings, and the Barney-like burps in her digestive tract? Change my diet and reduce my stress level? Hells no! Punch my lower intestine in the face, that’s what. Oh, and order some Thai food, 4 stars please. Suck it, duodenum.
I second that. I want to bitch slap my intestines too.
I this weren't an epidemic, I'd say it was TMI. And sorry to be a bitch about it, but I want to punch in the face people who stress themselves out like crazy and eat whatever they want and then complain when their stomach is upset. And trust me, I'm one of those people.
Okay, this is going to be a wet blanket post, but since I work for a cancer support agency... Ladies, please don't think that colon cancer is only for old men - too many young women have died or had serious cancer treatments after their colon cancer went unrecognized for months and years. Check out www.thecolonclub.com and www.butt-check.org
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