Anakin wasn’t supposed to be Emo, he was supposed to be fucking E-V-I-L. Slink off to Tatooine, keep a dream journal, front a band, stop washing your hair. Torture the Republic with your music if you have to, but get over yourself, Little Orphan Ani. You’re no more than Chancellor Palpatine’s butt boy
The only satisfying thing about Revenge of the Sith was seeing you lying there without arms or legs as the magma inched closer. Since the lava flow and Obi-Wan didn’t quite finish you off, you pissy wet noodle with light saber envy, let me inflict some additional pain in exchange for the 140-minutes of cinematic torture I endured. Let the Death Star that is my fist rain fury on your respirator, and may the Force be with me.
(photo: www.talk.ph)
i can't comment while i'm laffing.
HATED Christensen in those movies. So not the Dark Lord of the Sith.
You are a genius and I think I love you.
thank you. thank you. thank you. george lucas ruined my life with this shit.
You have no idea what ur talking about he's amazing and he's so hot and a great actor! u jst have bad taste
Where was the chemistry? Who let Lucas keep him through the casting process? I was so disappointed that I was right about him being awful in this role when I felt the exact same way in Ep 3.
youre crazy he was awesome
I recently rewatched the movie with some friends for the first time since cinema, and we were laughing hard at how incredibly awkward and creepy he was when hitting on Padmé.
That scene with Padme was painful to watch. I kinda expected her to burst out laughing...
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