Sunday, October 9, 2011

White chocolate

Creamy? Yes.
Sugary? Yes.
Waste of space? Hell, yes.
Chocolate? Uh…..

I tend to be irritated by things I don’t understand. Quantum physics, Ulysses, the popularity of Snooki…

So you can imagine my apoplexy when I encounter white chocolate.

Apparently, it’s got cocoa butter in it. Big whoop. So does my body lotion, but I’m not going to snack on that, either. What it lacks is cocoa paste, liquor or power, not to mention flavor. White chocolate is the confectionery equivalent of The Hills. Pointless, flavorless, and mad white.

White chocolate isn't chocolate; it's a crime.



thinkingcaveman said...

I have to say that I agree with you on this point my dear. Allow White Chocolate to have its moment and move on - give me some regular milk chocolate and I am satisfied ---

Cathi said...

I totally agree. What's the point?

Christen said...

That bar is some kind of tasty. White chocolate just needs a new moniker. Realistic expectations and all that malarkey...

Could not agree more on oatmeal raisin cookies. WHY?! Such a blight on the good name of cookie.

Afro Boudoir said...

lol @ the hills reference! a colleague of mine used to word for cadbury's and he said if you knew how they made white chocolate you'd never eat it (that and margarine apparently)

Scott McElhinnie said...

This is a little off topic but since you were brave enough to bring up Ulysses wasn't "Heart of Darkness" a miserable slog too? Just me?

Courtney B said...

Oh noooo. I LOVE me some white chocolate. I can only handle so much milk chocolate. But this stuff? I could eat it YUM!